2021 American Geophysical Union Maurice Ewing Medal [topic]
2019 Web of Knowledge Highly Cited ResearcherDepartment of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Princetonlaan 8, 3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands
2017 American Geophysical Union Fellow2012 Australian Laureate Fellow [topic]
2010 Royal Society - Wolfson Research Merit Award [topic]
2008 Correspondent (overseas Fellow), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
The dark secret of the Mediterranean - a case history in past environmental reconstruction
ResID number B-9736-2008.
NB, ResID does not seem to find all publications
Photos: Chez Eelco coffee house (Nelson, New
Zealand), courtesy of Cathy Allen; Clogs (Keukenhof, NL),
courtesy of Andrew Roberts; G. ruber (Red Sea), courtesy
of Mia Fenton
[1988] [1989] [1990] [1991] [1992] [1993] [1994] [1995]
[1996] [1997] [1998] [1999] [2000] [2001] [2002] [2003]
[2004] [2005] [2006] [2007] [2008] [2009] [2010] [2011]
[2012] [2013] [2014] [2015] [2016] [2017] [2018] [2019]
[2020] [2021] [2022] [2023] [2024] [submitted]
[1] Drooger, C.W. and Rohling, E.J. Lepidocyclina
migration across the Atlantic. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad., Ser.B, 91
(1), 3952. 1988.
[2] Rohling, E.J. and Gieskes, W.W.C. Late Quaternary
changes in Mediterranean Intermediate Water density and formation
rate. Paleoceanography, 4, 531545. 1989. pdf
[3] Rohling, E.J. A simple two-layered model for shoaling
of the eastern Mediterranean pycnocline due to glacio-eustatic
sea-level lowering. Paleoceanography, 6, 537541, 1991. pdf
[4] Rohling, E.J. Shoaling of the eastern Mediterranean
pycnocline due to reduction of excess evaporation: implications
for sapropel formation. Paleoceanography, 6, 747753,
1991. pdf
[5] Rohling, E.J., and Hilgen, F.J. The eastern
Mediterranean climate at times of sapropel formation: a review.
Geologie en Mijnbouw, 70, 253264, 1991. pdf
[6] Rohling, E.J., Zachariasse, W.J, and Brinkhuis, H. A terrestrial scenario for the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary collapse of the marine pelagic ecosystem. Terra Nova, 3, 4148, 1991.
[6] Rohling, E.J., and Bryden, H.L. Man-induced salinity
and temperature increases in Western Mediterranean Deep Water.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 11,19111,198, 1992. pdf
[7] Barmawidjaja, D.M., Rohling, E.J., Van der Kaars,
W.A., Vergnaud-Grazzini, C., and Zachariasse, W.J. Glacial
conditions in the northern Molucca Sea region (Indonesia).
Paleogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 101, 147167,
1993. pdf
[8] Jorissen, F.J., Asioli, A., Borsetti, A.M., Capotondi, De
Visser, J.P., Hilgen, F.J., Rohling, E.J., Van der Borg,
K., Vergnaud-Grazzini, C., and Zachariasse, W.J. Late Quaternary
central Mediterranean biochronology. Marine Micropaleontology,
21, 169189, 1993. pdf
[9] Rohling, E.J., Jorissen, F.J., Vergnaud-Grazzini, C.,
and Zachariasse, W.J. Northern Levantine and Adriatic Quaternary
planktic foraminifera; Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental
gradients. Marine Micropaleontology, 21, 191218,
1993. pdf
[10] Rohling, E.J., De Stigter, H.C., Vergnaud-Grazzini,
C., and Zaalberg, R. Temporary repopulation by low-oxygen tolerant
benthic foraminifera within an upper Pliocene sapropel; Evidence
for the role of oxygen depletion in the formation of sapropels. Marine
Micropaleontology, 22, 207219, 1993. pdf
[11] Van Os, B., and Rohling, E.J. Oxygen isotope depletions in eastern Mediterranean sapropels exclude circulation reversal. In: B. Van Os, Primary and diagenetic signals in Mediterranean sapropels and North Atlantic Turbidites. Geologica Ultraiectina, 109, 312, 1993.
[12] Rohling, E.J., and Bryden, H.L. Estimating past
changes in the eastern Mediterranean freshwater budget, using
reconstructions of sea level and hydrography. Proc. Kon. Ned.
Akad., Ser.B., 97, 201217, 1994. pdf
[13] Rohling, E.J. Glacial conditions in the Red Sea. Paleoceanography
("Currents"), 9, 653660, 1994. pdf
[14] Rohling, E.J. Review and new aspects concerning the
formation of Mediterranean sapropels. Marine Geology, 122,
128, 1994. pdf
[15] Rohling, E.J., Den Dulk, M., Pujol, C., and
Vergnaud-Grazzini, C., Abrupt hydrographic change in the Alboran
Sea (western Mediterranean) around 8000 yrs BP. Deep-Sea
Research, 42, 1609-1619, 1995. pdf
[16] Rohling, E.J., and Zachariasse, W.J. Red Sea outflow
during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International, 31,
7783, 1996. pdf
[17] Lane-Serff, G.F., Rohling, E.J., Bryden, H.L., and
Charnock, H. Post-glacial connection of the Black Sea to the
Mediterranean and its relation to the timing of sapropel
formation. Paleoceanography ("Currents"), 12, 169174,
[18] Rohling, E.J., Jorissen, F.J., De Stigter, H.C. 200 Year interruption of Holocene sapropel formation in the Adriatic Sea. J. Micropal., 16, 97108, 1997. pdf
[19] Targarona, J., Alonso, B., Brinkhuis, H., Canals, M., Rohling, E.J., and Versteegh, G.J.M. Productivity variations in the Alboran Sea over the last 20,000 years from Protoperidinium dinoflagellate cyst records. LPP Contributions, 7, 4366, 1997.
[20] Rohling, E.J. Mutual influencing between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea during the Quaternary. In: Meco, J. and Petit-Maire, N., Proceedings of the IUGS-UNESCO CLIP IV meeting, Canary Islands. Univ. of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, 141149, 1997.
[21] Zachariasse, W.J., Jorissen, F.J., Perissoratis, C., Rohling, E.J., and Tsapralis, V. Late Quaternary foraminiferal changes and the nature of sapropel S1 in Skopelos Basin. Proceedings 5th Hellenic symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries, Kavalla, Greece, 15-18 April, 1997, Vol. 1, 391394, 1997.
[22] Rohling, E.J., and Bigg, G.R. Paleo-salinity and δ18O:
a critical assessment. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 13071318,
1998. pdf
[23] Rohling, E.J., Fenton, M., Jorissen, F.J., Bertrand, P., Ganssen, G., and Caulet, J.P. Magnitudes of sea-level lowstands of the past 500,000 years. Nature, 394, 162165, 1998. pdf News & Views
[24] Rohling, E.J., Hayes, A., Kroon, D., De Rijk, S.,
and Zachariasse, W.J. Abrupt cold spells in the NW Mediterranean.
Paleoceanography ("Currents"), 13, 316322, 1998. pdf
[25] Myers, P., Haines, K., and Rohling, E.J. Modelling
the paleo-circulation of the Mediterranean: The last glacial
maximum and the Holocene with emphasis on the formation of
sapropel S1. Paleoceanography, 13, 586606, 1998. pdf
[26] De Rijk, S. and Rohling, E.J. A palaeo-oceanographic and palaeo-climate database of the Mediterranean Sea. [CD-ROM] Proceedings of the Ocean Data Symposium, 15-18 October 1997, Dublin, 1998.
[27] Rohling, E.J. and Thunell, R.C. Five decades of
Mediterranean paleoclimate and sapropel studies. Marine
Geology, 153, 710, 1999. pdf
[28] Hayes, A., Rohling, E.J., De Rijk, S., and Zachariasse, W.J. Mediterranean planktonic foraminiferal faunas during the last glacial cycle. Marine Geology, 153, 239252, 1999. pdf
[29] Rohling, E.J., and De Rijk. S. The Holocene Climate Optimum and Last Glacial Maximum in the Mediterranean: the marine oxygen isotope record. Marine Geology, 153, 5775, 1999. pdf
[30] Rohling, E.J., and De Rijk. S. Erratum to "The Holocene Climate Optimum and Last Glacial Maximum in the Mediterranean: the marine oxygen isotope record." Marine Geology, 161, 385387, 1999. pdf
[31] Rutten, A., De Lange, G.J., Hayes, A., Rohling, E.J., De Jong, A.F.M., and Van der Borg, K. Deposition of sapropel S1 sediments in oxic pelagic and anoxic brine environments in the eastern Mediterranean; differences in diagenesis and preservation. Marine Geology, 153, 319335, 1999. pdf
[32] De Rijk, S., Rohling, E.J., and Hayes, A. Onset of climatic deterioration in the eastern Mediterranean around 7 ky BP; micropalaeontological data from Mediterranean sapropel interruptions. Marine Geology, 153, 337343, 1999. pdf
[33] De Rijk, S., Troelstra, S., and Rohling, E.J. Modern benthic foraminifera from Mediterranean surface sediments. Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 29, 93103, 1999.
[34] Poulos, S.E., Lykousis, V., Collins, M.B., Rohling, E.J., and Pattiaratchi, C.B. Sedimentation processes in a tectonically active environment: the Kerkyra-Kephalonia submarine valley system (NE Ionian Sea). Marine Geology, 160, 2544, 1999. pdf
[35] Rohling, E.J. and Cooke, S. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in foraminiferal carbonate, chapter 14 in B.K. Sen Gupta (ed.) Modern Foraminifera, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 239258, 1999.
[36] Rohling, E.J. Environmental controls on Mediterranean salinity and δ18O. Paleoceanography, 14, 706715, 1999. pdf
[37] Myers, P.G., and Rohling, E.J. Modelling a 200 year
interruption of the Holocene sapropel S1. Quaternary Research,
53, 98104, 2000. pdf
[38] Rohling, E.J. Paleosalinity: confidence limits and future applications. Marine Geology, 163, 1-11, 2000. pdf
[39] Bigg, G.R., and Rohling, E.J. An oxygen isotope data set for marine waters. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 85278535, 2000. pdf
[40] Schmidt, G.A., Bigg G.R., and Rohling, E.J. Global Seawater Oxygen-18 Database, http://data.giss.nasa.gov/o18data/,1999.
[41] Thomson, J., Nixon, S., Summerhayes, C.P., Rohling, E.J.,
Schoenfeld, J., Zahn, R., Grootes, P., Abrantes, F., Gaspar, L.,
and Vaqueiro, S. Enhanced productivity on the Iberian margin
during glacial/interglacial transitions revealed by barium and
diatoms. Geological Society Special Publication, 157,
667677, 2000. pdf
[42] Rohling, E.J. Fossil shore lines show recent flood. Times Higher Education Supplement, 28 July, 26, 2000.
[43] Rohling, E.J., De Rijk, S., Myers, P.G., and Haines, K. Palaeoceanography and numerical modelling: The Mediterranean Sea at times of sapropel formation, in Hart, M.B. (ed.) "Climates: Past and Present", Geological Society Special Publication, 181, 135149, 2000.
[44] Fenton, M., Geiselhart, S., Rohling, E.J., and Hemleben, C. Aplanktonic zones in the Red Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 40, 277294, 2000. pdf
[45] De Rijk, S., Jorissen, F.J., Rohling, E.J., and Troestra, S.R. Organic flux control on bathymetric zonation of Mediterranean benthic foraminifera. Marine Micropaleontology, 40, 151166, 2000. pdf
[46] Jorissen, F.J and Rohling, E.J. Faunal perspectives on paleoproductivity. Marine Micropaleontology, 40, 131134, 2000. pdf
[47] Mercone, D., Thomson, J., Abu-Zied, R.H., Croudace, I.W., and
Rohling, E.J. High-resolution geochemical and
micropalaeontological profiling of the most recent eastern
Mediterranean sapropel. Marine Geology, 177, 2544, 2001.
[48] Cooke, S., and Rohling, E.J. Stable isotopes in foraminiferal carbonate, Southampton Oceanography Centre Internal Document, 72, 56pp., 2001.
[49] Casford, J.S.L., Abu-Zied, R., Rohling, E.J., Cooke, S., Boessenkool, K.P., Brinkhuis, H., De Vries, C., Wefer, G., Geraga, M., Papatheodorou, G., Croudace, I., Thomson, J., Wells, N.C., and Lykousis, V. Mediterranean climate variability during the Holocene. Mediterranean Marine Science, 2, 4555, 2001. pdf
[xxx] Rohling, E.J. The dark secret of the Mediterranean - a case history in past environmental reconstruction, http://www.soes.soton.ac.uk/staff/ejr/DarkMed/dark-title.html November 2001.
[50] Rohling, E.J., Mayewski, P.A., Hayes, A., Abu-Zied,
R.H., and Casford, J.S.L. Holocene atmosphere-ocean interactions:
records from Greenland and the Aegean Sea. Climate Dynamics,
18, 587593, 2002. pdf
[51] Wadley, M.R., Bigg, G.R., Rohling, E.J., and Payne, A.J. On modelling present day and last glacial maximum oceanic δ18O distributions. Global and Planetary Change, 32, 89109, 2002. pdf
[52] Rohling, E.J., Casford, J., Abu-Zied, R., Cooke, S., Mercone, D., Thomson, J., Croudace, I., Jorissen, F.J., Brinkhuis, H., Kallmeyer, J., and Wefer, G. Rapid Holocene climate changes in the eastern Mediterranean, in F. Hassan (ed.) Droughts, Food and Culture: Ecological Change and Food Security in Africa's Later Prehistory, pp. 3546, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, London, 2002.
[53] Cane, T., Rohling, E.J., Kemp, A.E.S., Cooke, S., and Pearce, R.B. High-resolution stratigraphic framework for Mediterranean sapropel S5: defining temporal relationships between records of Eemian climate variability. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 183, 87101, 2002. pdf
[54] Casford, J.S.L., Rohling, E.J., Abu-Zied,R., Cooke, S., Fontanier, C., Leng, M., and Lykousis,V. Circulation changes and nutrient concentrations in the Late Quaternary Aegean Sea: A non-steady state concept for sapropel formation. Paleoceanography, 17, 2000PA000601, pp. 14.114.11, 2002. pdf
[55] Rohling, E.J., Cane, T.R., Cooke, S., Sprovieri, M.,
Bouloubassi, I., Emeis, K.C., Schiebel, R., Kroon, D., Jorissen,
F.J., Lorre, A., and Kemp, A.E.S. African monsoon variability
during the previous interglacial maximum. Earth and Planetary
Science Letters, 202, 6175, 2002. pdf
Isotope DATA 971A alkenone DATA
[56] Siddall, M., Smeed, D., Mathiessen, S., and Rohling, E.J. Modelling the seasonal cycle of the exchange flow in Bab-el-Mandab (Red Sea). Deep-Sea Research I, 49, 15511569, 2002. pdf
[57] Casford, J.S.L., Rohling, E.J., Abu-Zied, R.H..,
Fontanier, C., Jorissen, F.J., Leng, M., Schmiedl, G., and
Thomson, J. A dynamic concept for eastern Mediterranean
circulation and oxygenation during sapropel formation. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 190, 103119, 2003. pdf
[58] Dinarθs-Turell, J., Hoogakker, B.A.A., Roberts, A.P., Rohling, E.J., and Sagnotti, L. Quaternary climatic control of biogenic magnetite production and eolian dust input in cores from the Mediterranean Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 190, 195209, 2003. pdf
[59] Rohling, E.J., Mayewski, P.A., and Challenor, P. On the timing and mechanism of millennial-scale climate variability during the last glacial cycle. Climate Dynamics, 20, 257267, 2003. pdf
[60] Sprovieri, M., Sacchi, M., and Rohling, E.J. Climatically influenced interactions between the Mediterranean and the Paratethys during the Tortonian. Paleoceanography, 18, PA1034, doi 10.1029/2001PA000750, 2003. pdf
[61] Siddall, M., Rohling, E.J., Almogi-Labin, A.,
Hemleben, Ch., Meischner, D., Schmeltzer, I., and Smeed, D.A.
Sea-level fluctuations during the last glacial cycle. Nature,
423, 853858, 2003. pdf
& Views
[62] Myers, P.G., Wielki, C., Goldstein, S.B., and Rohling, E.J. Hydraulic calculations of postglacial connections between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Marine Geology, 201, 253267, 2003. pdf
[63] Larrasoaρa, J.C., Roberts, A.P., Rohling, E.J., Winklhofer, M., and Wehausen, R. Three million years of monsoon variability over the northern Sahara. Climate Dynamics, 21, 689698, 2003. pdf
[64] Rohling, E.J., Sprovieri, M., Cane, T.R., Casford,
J.S.L., Cooke, S., Bouloubassi, I., Emeis, K.C., Schiebel, R.,
Hayes, A., Jorissen, F.J., and Kroon, D. Reconstructing past
planktic foraminiferal habitats using stable isotope data: a case
history for Mediterranean sapropel S5, Marine
Micropaleontology, 50, 89123, 2004. pdf
[65] Scrivner, A.E., Vance, D., and Rohling, E.J. New neodymium isotope data quantify Nile involvement in Mediterranean anoxic episodes, Geology, 32, 565568, 2004. pdf
[66] Rogerson, M., Rohling, E.J., Weaver, P.P.E., and Murray, J.W. The Azores front since the last glacial maximum, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222, 779789, 2004. pdf
[67] Rohling, E.J., Marsh, R., Wells, N.C., Siddall, M.,
and Edwards, N. Similar melt-water contributions to glacial
sea-level variability from Antarctic and northern ice sheets, Nature,
430, 10161021, 2004. pdf
Science News interview
[68] Siddall, M., Smeed, D.A., Hemleben, Ch., Rohling, E.J., Schmeltzer, I., and Peltier, W.R. Understanding the Red Sea response to sea level, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 225, 421434, 2004. pdf
[69] Hoogakker, B.AA., Rothwell, R.G., Rohling, E.J., Paterne, M., and Stow, D.A.V. Variations in terrigenous dilution in western Mediterranean Sea pelagic sediments in response to climate change during the last glacial cycle, Marine Geology, 211, 2143, 2004. pdf
[70] Mayewski, P.A., Rohling, E.J., Stager, J.C., Karlιn, W., Maasch, K., Meeker, L.D., Meyerson, E., Gasse, F., Van Kreveld, S., Holmgren, K., Lee-Thorp. J., Rosqvist, G., Rack, F., Staubwasser, M., Schneider, R.R., Steig, E. Holocene Climate Variability, Quaternary Research, 62, 243255, 2004. pdf LC21 Warm-Cold DATA
[71] Hayes, A., Kucera, M., Kallel, N., Sbaffi, L., and Rohling,
E.J. Glacial Mediterranean sea surface temperatures
reconstructed from planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, Quaternary
Science Reviews, 24, 9991016, 2005. pdf
[72] Rohling, E.J. and Pδlike, H. Centennial-scale climate cooling with a sudden cold event around 8,200 years ago, Nature, 434, 975979, 2005. pdf
[73] Maasch, K.A., Mayewski, P.A., Rohling, E.J., Stager, J.C., Karlen, W., Meeker, L.D., and Meyerson, E.A. A 2000 year context for modern climate change, Geografiska Annaler, 87A, 715, 2005. pdf
[74] Rogerson, M., Rohling, E.J., Weaver, P.P.E., and Murray, J.W. Glacial to Interglacial Changes in the Settling Depth of the Mediterranean Outflow Plume, Paleoceanography, 20, PA3007, doi10.1029/2004PA001106, 2005. pdf
[75] Postlethwaite, C., Rohling, E.J., Jenkins, W.J., and Walker, C.F. A tracer study of deep water formation and ventilation in the Japan/East Sea, Deep-Sea Research II, 52, 16841704, 2005. pdf
[76] Rohling, E.J., and Dickens, G.R. Editorial: Welcome
from the new Editors. Paleoceanography, 21,
PA1000, doi:10.1029/2006PA001272, 2006. pdf
[77] Fernandes, C., Rohling, E.J., and Siddall, M. Absence of Quaternary Red Sea land bridges: biogeographic implications. Journal of Biogeography, 33, 961966, 2006. pdf
[78] Rohling, E.J., Hopmans, E.C., and Sinninghe-Damste,
J.S. Water column dynamics during the last interglacial anoxic
event in the Mediterranean (sapropel S5). Paleoceanography, 21,
PA2018, doi:10.1029/2005PA001237, 2006. pdf
971A organics DATA 971A C/N DATA
[79] Larrasoaρa, J.C., Roberts, A.P., Hayes, A., Wehausen, R., and Rohling, E.J. Detecting missing beats in the Mediterranean climate rhythm from magnetic identification of oxidized sapropels (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 160). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 156, 283293, 2006. pdf
[80] Hoogakker, B.A.A., Rohling, E.J., Palmer, M.R., Tyrrell, T., and Rothwell, R.G. Underlying causes for long-term global ocean δ13C fluctuations over the last 1.2 Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 248, 15-29, 2006. pdf
[81] Siddall, M., Bard, E., Rohling, E.J., and Hemleben, Ch. Sea-level reversal during Termination II. Geology, 34, 817820, 2006. pdf
[82] Rogerson, M., Rohling, E.J., and Weaver, P.P.E. Promotion of meridional overturning by Mediterranean-derived salt during the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography, 21, PA4101, doi:10.1029/2006PA001306, 2006. pdf
[83] Rogerson, M., Weaver, P.P.E., Rohling, E.J., Lourens, L.J., Murray, J.W., and Hayes, A. Colour logging as a tool in high-resolution palaeoceanography, in: Rothwell, R.G. (ed.) "New techniques in sediment core analysis". Geological Society Special Publication, 267, 99112, 2006. pdf
[84] Stanford, J.D., Rohling, E.J., Hunter, S.E.,
Roberts, A.P., Rasmussen, S.O., Bard, E., McManus, J., and
Fairbanks, R.G. Timing of meltwater pulse 1a and climate responses
to meltwater injections. Paleoceanography,
21, PA4103, doi:10.1029/2006PA001340, 2006. pdf
Science editor's choice
[85] Rohling, E.J. Oxygen isotope composition of
seawater. In, Elias, S.A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (Vol. 3),
Elsevier, pp. 17481756 (published 2006, copyright date 2007). pdf
[86] Marsh, R., Hazeleger, W., Yool, W., and Rohling, E.J. Long-term fate of the thermohaline circulation under two alternative controls on salinity. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L03605, doi:10.1029/2006GL027815, 2007. pdf
[87] Marino, G., Rohling, E.J., Rijpstra, W.I., Sangiorgi, F., Schouten, S., and Sinninghe Damstι, J.S. Aegean Sea as driver for hydrological and ecological changes in the eastern Mediterranean. Geology, 35, 675678, 2007. pdf ScienceDaily DATA
[88] Rohling, E.J. Progress in palaeosalinity: overview and presentation of a new approach. Paleoceanography, 22, PA3215, doi:10.1029/2007PA001437, 2007. pdf
[89] van der Meer, M.T.J., Baas, M., Rijpstra, W.I.C., Marino,
G., Rohling, E.J.,
Sinninghe Damstι, J.S., and Schouten, S. Hydrogen isotopic
compositions of long-chain alkenones record freshwater flooding of
the eastern Mediterranean at the onset of sapropel deposition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
262, 594600, 2007. pdf
[90] Hunter, S., Wilkinson, D., Louarn, E., McCave, N., Rohling, E.J., Stow, D., and Bacon, S. Deep western boundary current dynamics and associated sedimentation on the Eirik Drift, southern Greenland margin. Deep-Sea Research I, 54, 20362066, 2007. pdf
[91] Casford, J.S.L., Abu-Zied, R., Rohling, E.J., Cooke,
S., Fontanier, Ch., Leng, M., Millard, A., and Thomson, J. A
stratigraphically controlled multi-proxy chronostratigraphy for
the eastern Mediterranean. Paleoceanography, 22, PA4215,
doi:10.1029/2007PA001422, 2007. pdf
LC21 element DATA
[92] Rohling, E.J.,
Grant, K., Hemleben, Ch., Siddall, M., Hoogakker, B.A.A., Bolshaw,
M., and Kucera, M. High rates of sea-level rise during the last
interglacial period. Nature
Geoscience, 1, 3842, 2008. pdf
Scitizen interview ScienceNOW highlight
[93] Siddall, M., Rohling, E.J.,
and Arz, H.W. Convincing evidence for rapid ice sheet growth
during the last glacial period, in: Kienast, M., Lynch-Stieglitz,
J., Newman, L., and Kiefer, T. (eds.) PAGES News, 16 (1), 1516, 2008. pdf
[94] Abu-Zied, R.H., Rohling,
E.J., Jorissen, F.J., Fontanier, C., Casford, J.S.L. and
Cooke, S. Benthic foraminiferal response to changes in bottom
water oxygenation and organic carbon flux in the eastern
Mediterranean during LGM to Recent times. Marine Micropaleontology, 67,
4668, 2008. pdf
[95] Kuhlemann, J., Rohling, E.J., Kumrei, I., Kubik, P., Ivy-Ochs, S., and
Kucera, M. Regional synthesis of Mediterranean atmospheric
circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum. Science, 321, (5894),
13381340, doi:10.1126/science.1157638, 2008. pdf
Reports Climate Change highlight
[96] Larrassoaρa, J.C., Roberts, A.P., Rohling, E.J. Magnetic susceptibility of eastern Mediterranean marine sediments as a proxy for Saharan dust supply? Marine Geology, 254, 224229, 2008. pdf
[97] Rohling E.J.,
Grant, K., Hemleben, Ch., Kucera, M., Roberts, A.P., Schmeltzer,
I., Schulz, H., Siccha, M., Siddall, M., and Trommer, G. New
constraints on the timing and amplitude of sea level fluctuations
during Marine Isotope Stage 3. Paleoceanography,
23, PA 3219,
doi:10.1029/2008PA001617, 2008. pdf
[98] Rohling, E.J., Schiebel, R., and Siddall, M.
Controls on Messinian Lower Evaporite cycles in the Mediterranean.
Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, 275, 165171, 2008. pdf
[99] Liu, Q., Roberts, A.P., Rohling,
E.J., and Zhu, R. Post-depositional remanent
magnetization lock-in and the location of the Matuyama-Brunhes
geomagnetic reversal boundary in marine and Chinese loess
sequences. Earth and Planetary
Science Letters, 275, 102110, 2008. pdf
[100] Siddall, M., Rohling,
E.J., Thompson, W.G., and Waelbroeck, C. Marine isotope
stage 3 sea level fluctuations: Data synthesis and new outlook. Reviews of Geophysics, 46,
RG4003, doi:10.1029/2007RG000226, 2008. pdf
[101] Osborne, A.H., Vance, D., Rohling,
E.J., Barton, N., Rogerson, M., and Fello, N. A humid
corridor across the Sahara for the migration "Out of Africa" of
early modern humans 120,000 years ago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
105, 1644416447, 2008. pdf ScienceNow
highlight ScienceDaily BBC
[102] Clare, L., Rohling, E.J.,
Weninger, B., and Hilpert, J. Warfare in Late Neolithic/Early
Chalcolithic Pisidia, southwestern Turkey. Climate induced social
unrest in the late 7th millennium calBC. Documenta Praehistorica, 35 (Neolithic Studies
15), 6592, 2008. pdf
[103] Weninger, B., Shulting, R., Bradtmφller, M., Clare, L.,
Collard, M., Edinborough, K., Hilpert, J., Jφris, O., Niekus, M.,
Rohling, E.J., and Wagner,
B. The catastrophic final flooding of Doggerland by the Storegga
Slide tsunami. Documenta
Praehistorica, 35 (Neolithic Studies 15), 124, 2008. pdf
[104] Rohling, E.J.,Book
review: Murray, J. (2006), Ecology and applications of benthic
foraminifera. Geological
Magazine, 145 (4), 600601, 2008. pdf
[105] MARGO project members (Waelbroeck, C., Paul, A., Kucera, M.,
Rosell-Melι, A., Weinelt, M., Schneider, R., Mix, A.C., Abelmann,
A., Armand, L., Bard, E., Barker, S., Barrows, T.T., Benway, H.,
Cacho, I., Chen, M.-T., Cortijo, E., Crosta, X., de Vernal, A.,
Dokken, T., Duprat, J., Elderfield, H., Eynaud, F., Gersonde, R.,
Hayes, A., Henry, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Huang, C.-C., Jansen,
E., Juggins, S., Kallel, N., Kiefer, T., Kienast, M., Labeyrie,
L., Leclaire, H., Londeix, L., Mangin, S., Matthiessen, J.,
Marret, F., Meland, M., Morey, A.E., Mulitza, S., Pflaumann, U.,
Pisias, N.G., Radi, T., Rochon, A., Rohling, E.J., Sbaffi, L., Schδfer-Neth, C.,
Solignac, S., Spero, H., Tachikawa, K., Turon, J.-L.). Constraints
on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial
Maximum. Nature Geoscience, 2,
127132, 2009. pdf
Reports Climate Change ScienceDaily
NERC PlanetEarth
[106] Rohling, E.J. Book
review: Hillaire-Marcel, C. and De Vernal, A. (eds.) (2007),
Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography. Geological Magazine, 146 (1),
158159, 2009. pdf
[xxx] Feature
article: "The value of historical data on sea level changes". Projects, 10, 4445, 2009
(British Publishers). pdf
[107] Rohling, E.J., Abu-Zied, R., Casford, J.S.L., Hayes, A., and Hoogakker, B.A.A. The Marine Environment: Present and Past, in: Woodward, J.C. (ed.) The Physical Geography of the Mediterranean, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978-0-19-926803-0, pp. 3367, 2009. book contents pdf
[108] Rohling, E.J., Hayes, A., Mayewski, P.A., and Kucera, M. Holocene climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean, and the End of the Bronze Age, in: Bachhuber, C. and Roberts, R.G. (eds.) Forces of Transformation: The End of the Bronze Age in the Mediterranean. BANEA Publication Series 1, Oxbow Books, Oxford, ISBN-13: 978-1-84217-332-9, pp. 25, 2009. book contents pdf
[109] Rohling, E.J.,
Grant, K., Bolshaw, M., Roberts, A.P., Siddall, M., Hemleben, Ch.,
and Kucera, M. Antarctic temperature and global sea level closely
coupled over the past five glacial cycles. Nature Geoscience, 2, 500504,
2009. pdf
(without data) World
Bank Report 2012 (see page 30) Nature
Sea-Level Focus ScienceDaily NERC
[110] Hoogakker, B.A.A., Klinkhammer, G.P., Elderfield, H., Rohling, E.J., and Hayward, C.
Mg/Ca paleothermometry in high salinity environments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
284, 583589, 2009. pdf
[111] Westbrook, G.K., Thatcher, K.E., Rohling, E.J., Piotrowski, A.M., Pδlike, H.,
Osborne, A.H., Nisbet, E.G., Minshull, T.A., Lanoisellι, M.,
James, R.H., Hόhnerbach, V., Green, D., Fisher, R.E., Crocker,
A.J., Chabert, A., Bolton, C., Beszczynska-Mφller, A., Berndt, C.,
and Aquilina, A. Escape of methane gas from the seabed along the
West Spitsbergen continental margin. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L15608,
doi:10.1029/2009GL 039191, 2009. pdf
Reports Climate Change BBC
[112] Marino, G., Rohling, E.J.,
Sangiorgi, F., Hayes, A., Casford, J.S.L., Lotter, A.F., Kucera,
M., and Brinkhuis, H. Early and middle Holocene in the Aegean Sea:
interplay between high and low latitude climate variability. Quaternary Science Reviews,
28, 32463262, 2009. pdf
DATA on new agemodel
[113] Rohling, E.J., Liu, Q., Roberts, A.P., Stanford, J.D., Rasmussen, S.O., Langen, P.L., and Siddall., M. Controls on the East Asian monsoon during the last glacial cycle, based on comparison between Hulu Cave and polar ice-core records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 32913302, 2009. pdf
[114] Weninger, B., Clare, L., Rohling,
E.J., Bar-Yosef, O., Boehner, U., Budja, M., Bundschuh,
M., Feurdean, A., Gebel, H.G., Joeris, O., Lindstaedter, J.,
Mayewski, P., Muehlenbruch, T., Reingruber, A., Rollefson, G.,
Schyle, D., Thissen, L., Todorova, H., and Zielhofer, C. The
impact of rapid climate change on prehistoric societies during the
Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean. Documenta Praehistorica, 36 (Neolithic Studies
16), 759, 2009. pdf
[115] Rohling, E.J.,
Braun, K., Grant, K., Kucera, M., Roberts, A.P., Siddall, M., and
Trommer, G. Comparison between Holocene and Marine Isotope
Stage-11 sea-level histories. Earth
and Planetary Science
Letters, 291, 97105, 2010. pdf
[116] Siddall, M., Rohling,
E.J., Blunier, T., and Spahni, R. Patterns of millennial
variability over the last 500 ka. Climate of the Past, 6, 295303,
2010. pdf
[117] Trommer, G., Siccha, M., Rohling,
E.J., Grant, K., van der Meer, M., Schouten, S.,
Hemleben, Ch., and Kucera, M. Millennial scale variability in Red
Sea circulation in response to Holocene insolation forcing. Paleoceanography, 25, PA3203,
doi:10.1029/2009PA001826, 2010. pdf
[118] Osborne, A., Marino, G., Vance, D., and Rohling, E.J. Eastern
Mediterranean surface water Nd during Eemian sapropel S5:
monitoring northerly (mid latitude) versus southerly (sub
tropical) freshwater contributions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 24732483,
2010. pdf
[119] Rogerson, M., Colmenero-Hidalgo, E., Levine, R.C., Rohling, E.J., Voelker,
A.H.L., Bigg, G.R., Schφnfeld, J., Cacho, I., Sierro, F.J.,
Lφwemark, L., Reguera, M.I. , and de Abreu, L. Enhanced
Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange during Atlantic freshening phases.
Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems, 11, Q08013, doi:10.1029/2009GC002931,
2010. pdf
[120] Ni Fhlaithearta, S., Reichart, G.J., Jorissen, F.J.,
Fontanier, C., Rohling, E.J.,
Thomson, J., De Lange, G.J. Reconstructing the seafloor
environment during sapropel formation using benthic foraminiferal
trace metals, stable isotopes, and sediment composition. Paleoceanography, 25, PA4225,
doi:10.1029/2009PA001869, 2010. pdf
[121] Cox, K.A., Stanford, J.D., McVicar, A.J., Rohling, E.J., Heywood, K.J.,
Bacon, S., Bolshaw, M., Dodd, P.A., De la Rosa, S., and Wilkinson,
D. Interannual variability of Arctic sea ice export into the East
Greenland Current. Journal of
Geophysical Research - Oceans, 115, C12063, doi:10.1029/2010JC006227,
2010. pdf
[xxx] Feature
article: "The rise and rise of the sea". NERC Planet Earth, winter 2010, 1617,
2010. pdf
[122] Stanford, J.D., Rohling,
E.J., Bacon, S., Roberts, A.P., Grousset, F.E., and
Bolshaw, M. A new concept for the paleoceanographic evolution of
Heinrich event 1 in the North Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 10471066,
2011. pdf
[123] Rohling, E.J. Book review: Broecker, W. (2010), The Great Ocean Conveyor: Discovering the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change. The Holocene, 21, 707, 2011. pdf
[124] Trommer, G., Siccha, M., Rohling,
E.J., Grant, K., van der Meer, M.T.J., Schouten, S.,
Baranowski, U., and Kucera, M. Sensitivity of Red Sea circulation
to sea level and insolation forcing during the last interglacial.
Climate of the Past, 7,
941955, 2011. pdf
[125] Stanford, J.D., Hemingway, R., Rohling, E.J., Challenor, P.G.,
Medina-Elizalde, M., and Lester, A.J. Sea-level probability for
the last deglaciation: a statistical analysis of far-field
records. Global and Planetary
Change, 79, 193203, 2011. pdf
readme Barbados
data Bonaparte1
data Bonaparte2
data Florida
data Huon
data Sunda1
data Tahiti
data GoM1
data GoM2
data GoM3
[126] Stanford, J.D., Rohling,
E.J., Bacon, S., and Holiday, N.P. A review of the deep
and surface currents around Eirik Drift, south of Greenland:
Comparison of the past with the present. Global and Planetary Change, 79, 244254,
2011. pdf
[127] Roberts, A.P., Rohling,
E.J., Grant, K.M., Larrasoaρa, J.C., Liu, Q. Atmospheric
dust variability from Arabia and China over the last 500,000
years. Quaternary Science
Reviews, 30, 35373541, 2011. pdf
[128] Umgiesser, G., Anderson, J.B., Artale, V., Breil, M.,
Gualdi, S., Lionello, P., Marinova, N., Orlic, M., Pirazzoli, P.,
Rahmstorf, S., Raicich, F., Rohling, E., Tomasin, A.,
Tsimplis, M., and Vellinga, P., From global to regional: local
sea level rise scenarios - focus on the Mediterranean Sea
and the Adriatic Sea. (report of Workshop organized by
UNESCO Venice office and ISMAR-CNR, 22-23 November 2010, Venice,
Italy), UNESCO (Venice), 28pp., 2011. link
[xxx] AGU press
conference on palaeo-perspectives on climate sensitivity and
sealevel (55 min.)
Scientist podcast interview following AGU press conference
Today article on climate scientists v. climate change deniers
[129] Sadler, J., Care, M., Azzoug, M., Schauer, A.J., Ledesma,
J., Cardenas, F., Chase, B.M., Bentaleb, I., Muller, S., Mandeng,
M., Rohling, E.J., and
Sachs, J.P. Reconstructing past upwelling intensity and the
seasonal dynamics of primary productivity along the Peruvian
coastline from mollusk shell stable isotopes. Geochemistry, Geophysics,
Geosystems, 13, Q01015, doi:10.1029/2011GC003595,
2012. pdf
[130] Medina-Elizalde, M., and Rohling,
E.J. Collapse of classic Maya civilization related to
modest reduction in precipitation. Science, 335, 956959, 2012. pdf
interview (CBS)
[131] Rohling, E.J., Medina-Elizalde, M., Shepherd, J.G., Siddall, M., and Stanford, J.D. Sea surface and high-latitude temperature sensitivity to radiative forcing of climate over several glacial cycles. Journal of Climate, 25, 16351656, 2012. pdf DATA_records DATA_chrono-tiepoints DATA_forcings per latitude
[132] Liu, Q., Larrasoaρa, J.C., Torrent, J., Roberts, A.P., Rohling, E.J., Liu, Z., and
Jiang, Z. New constraints on climate forcing and variability in
the circum-Mediterranean region from magnetic and geochemical
observations of sapropels S1, S5 and S6. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 333/334, 112, 2012.
[133] Rogerson, M., Rohling,
E.J., Bigg, G.R., and Ramirez, J. Palaeoceanography of
the Atlantic-Mediterranean Exchange: overview and first
quantitative assessment of climatic forcing. Reviews of Geophysics, 50,
RG2003, doi:10.1029/2011RG000376, 2012. pdf
[134] Rogerson, M., Bigg, G.R., Rohling, E.J., and Ramirez, J. Vertical density gradient in the eastern north Atlantic during the last 30,000 years. Climate Dynamics, 39, 589598, 2012. pdf
Rohling, E.J., Gernon, T.M., Heslop, D., Reichart, G.J., Roberts, A.P., and Yu, J. Reconciling the apparent discrepancy between deep-sea temperatures from proxies and from benthic oxygen isotope deconvolution (Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology).
(2) Theoretical and applied (integrated with proxy records) modelling of present-day and past states of circulation and property distribution. This aspect focusses especially on the potential for quantification of natural processes from (palaeo-) oceanographic proxies, including realistic confidence intervals. The work ranges across purely theoretical (what if) considerations, targeted simulation of observed changes, and aspects concerned with quantitative interpretation of proxy data. A strong component in this modelling concerns the robustness of simulated results, since a solution that depends too much on small changes/uncertainties in the essential assumptions may not be very significant. Hence, sensitivity testing and expression of confidence limits play a key role in the modelling efforts.
(3) Theoretical and practical/analytical research on the use of conservative properties and δ18O to trace deep-water formation, advection and mixing processes in the modern ocean. This mainly concerns theoretical arguments and new interpretations of existing data sets. Collaborative examples include: an evaluation of the nature of salinity changes in the Mediterranean Sea during the last 50 years; a study of deep-water formation processes in the Japan Sea based on using a combination of noble gas and stable isotope analyses; and assessments of the potential for use of oxygen isotope ratios to track temporal changes in salinity. Part of the latter included the compilation of a global stable oxygen isotope distribution database that was used in validation of a present-day to last glacial maximum global modelling study, and which now forms part of a database held for public access at http://www.giss.nasa.gov/data/o18data/.
(4) Assessment of changes in deep-sea ventilation states and nutrient distribution mechanisms, the interactions with the organic and inorganic carbon cycle, and the impact of ecological responses on proxy records. This work concerns fundamental aspects that underlie the reconstructions and modelling projects listed above. It specifically focusses on climate-driven changes in the mechanisms and timing of nutrient loading and availability for production (by nutricline shoaling). This includes the development of non-steady state arguments between nutrient recharge and nutrient utilisation, and the development of a deeper understanding of carbon burial fluxes and their ecological impacts at the sea floor.
(5) Integration of Holocene
palaeoclimate research with archaeological records. There
now exist sufficient high-resolution palaeoceanographic/climatic
records from the eastern Mediterranean to Arabian Sea region to
allow accurate comparisons of the signals with those in the
archaeological record of the Near and Middle East. Correlations
between the different types of records are established by using a
combination of radiocarbon dating, ash-layer correlations, pollen
records, and (climatic) event stratigraphy, involving experts from
all relevant disciplines. This line of work offers interesting
feedback from an entirely different line of science, which
improves communication and interaction across disciplinary
boundaries and helps to fuel new ideas and re-evaluation of
traditional interpretations.
Some selected foram SEM photos: truncatulinoides1